Morbi in sem

 2017 -   onwards

head of institutional department, professor,

managing and heading of department, leading scientific work, doing education and scientific research work, managing project, peer-reviewed scientific publication, solving industrial problems

University of Miskolc, Department of Fine Chemicals and Environmental Technology,

education, research, industrial research, university

 2016 -   onwards

head of research group, professor;

managing and heading of research group, leading scientific work, doing education and scientific research work, managing project, PhD work, peer-reviewed scientific publication, solving industrial problems

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering

education, research, industrial research, university



2006 – 2016

head of department, professor

managing and heading of a department, leading scientific work, doing education and scientific research work, managing project, PhD work, peer-reviewed scientific publication, solving industrial problems

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering

education, research, industrial research, university


June 2011 – June 2015

director of research institute, part time job

organising and supporting research work

Research Institute of Chemical and Process Engineering, Veszprem, Hungary

scientific research



Category 40 researcher

participation in CAFE (Clean Air for Europe), the reduction of cars/trafic’ emission,

insight in EU policies

Institute of Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, EU, Seville, Spain

EU research institute


2000- 2004

deputy head of department, professor

managing and deputy heading of a department doing education and scientific research work, managing project, PhD work, scientific publication, solving industrial problems

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Budapest, bhungary

education, research, industrial research, university



senior researcher

scientific research, project management, publication

Paul Scherrer Institute, Department of General Energy, Villigen, Switzerland

research institute


1993- 1996

deputy head of department, associate professor

managing and deputy heading of a department doing education and scientific research work, managing project, PhD work, scientific publication, solving industrial problems

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Budapest, Hungary

education, research, industrial research, university




PhD work and diploma, education, scientific research, industrial research, publication

Eidgenössische Technische Hochshule (ETH), Sysytems Engineering Group, Zurich, Switzerland

institute of technology, research, education




research work

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyo, Japan

institute of technology, research, education



assistant, research assistant, senior lecturer

education and scientific research work, managing project, PhD work, scientific publication, solving industrial problems

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Budapest, Hungary

education, research, industrial research, university